Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Resin madness

Now and then girls just want to have fun. This weekend I went to the annual Memorial Day sale at my favorite bead shop, Bead Station in Lake Forest. See http://www.facebook.com/pages/Bead-Station/149918781717905. Among the many things that drew my eye were these resin pieces: leaves, flowers, globes and flat disks. I added some spacer beads and other components from my “stash,” and voilá! A totally irreverent combo with necklace, earrings, and a bracelet (not shown).

What’s not shown is my other craft project – I’ll get to that in a few days. I also experimented with fabric dyes on a beautiful silk scarf I bought from Dharma Trading Company (http://www.dharmatrading.com/) – along with many of the Jacquard Acid Dyes. It was actually easy once I got the hang of the process. I want to add some fringes and small embroidery to it. Promise a picture next week!

All you other craft-obsessed people: how do you combine your many skills? For example ceramics and beading, metal work and glass, knitting and embroidery?

Friday, May 25, 2012

Metal fan

No not my Facebook settings. I love the way metal chains, focals, spacers, and beads drape and jingle. Sometimes I’m in a Steampunk mood and sometimes it’s metal hummingbirds. At the moment I’m in a bronze mood. What is the difference between bronze and brass? For humongous info, check out a web site link Ask Yahoo: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060803230342AAEHfdg. Personally, it’s a matter of hardness and color, really. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin, usually in an 80/20 proportion. Brass, however, is copper mixed with zinc about 60/40. Brass is much softer than bronze and is therefore easier to twist and shape, for example in opening and closing jump rings. But for a focal piece where I want the shape to remain the same forever, I would probably use bronze. The photo above is copied from a great site called NordicRooms, http://www.nordicrooms.net/bbc/. Bronze is also more golden, while brass has a darker, slightly greenish tone. What metals do you favor?

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Thursday challenge

Glass and metal necklace

Design challenge of the day: when you wear a necklace with the clasp in front, gravity pulls on it differently than if it is in the back. In the back, the chain pulls in opposite directions and holds a toggle clasp taut. In front, though, the necklace forms a V and all the pull is downward. When it swings between the “girls,” the movement and the gravitational pull can make a short toggle bar slip out of the ring. Solution? I cleaned a piece of base metal with 0000 steel wool to make it shiny, then hammered it flat and dappled it with the chasing hammer. I cut it to make the piece ¾ inch longer than the malfunctioning toggle bar and cut it in half. I filed the edges to round them and then glued the two flat pieces behind the toggle bar. It looks like it was supposed to be there!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I called the blog sugarbird for this little guy:

He and his numerous friends and relations are my familiars whenever I'm on St Thomas in the Caribbean!


This is a blog about craft and life. Lifecraft? Hope you enjoy it.

Today I’m wearing the necklace in the pic. I made this last fall when my friend Judi and I took a class at a local store to learn to make bead ropes. “Ndbele” some people called it, but others said “no, it’s … (can’t recall).” The hardest thing with beads is my eyesight – it ain’t getting any better. Even with cokebottom glasses and a magnifying glass on a stand, I rejoice when the fireline goes through that eye of the needle that must be measured in microns. Life lesson? Take joy in the little things!