Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Thursday challenge

Glass and metal necklace

Design challenge of the day: when you wear a necklace with the clasp in front, gravity pulls on it differently than if it is in the back. In the back, the chain pulls in opposite directions and holds a toggle clasp taut. In front, though, the necklace forms a V and all the pull is downward. When it swings between the “girls,” the movement and the gravitational pull can make a short toggle bar slip out of the ring. Solution? I cleaned a piece of base metal with 0000 steel wool to make it shiny, then hammered it flat and dappled it with the chasing hammer. I cut it to make the piece ¾ inch longer than the malfunctioning toggle bar and cut it in half. I filed the edges to round them and then glued the two flat pieces behind the toggle bar. It looks like it was supposed to be there!

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